Insurance. We know, it’s a 4 letter word. At LEAST half the reason you got out of the system. At The Big River Benefits Company, we understand. After all, the owner is married to a DPC doctor! As is the co-founder of our insurance carrier. And we are in it with you. We pledge that our insurance is a force multiplier in patient care, not a weight around your neck. Our processes are easy for you and your patients. And we do not get in your way when you say a patient needs medication or treatment. This is our commitment to you and every one of your patients. Feel free to Contact us with any questions or concerns.
Are you a healthcare provider who is tired of the way the system treats providers and patients alike? Do you think there HAS to be a better way? There is. The Big River Benefits Company is committed to changing the way healthcare is done is this country, and YOU are the key to making that happen. Regardless of where you are or where you want to be, we will aid you in job placement with a DPC clinic. Want to have your own practice? We will do what we can to help you get off the ground through advice, connection to mentors, and even placing patients at your practice. Contact us, and start learning how you can break free.
At this time, we are focused on doctors specializing in Primary Care, Internal Medicine, and Emergency Medicine. However, providers at all levels and in all specialties are 100% welcome to reach out. We will try to aid any and all.